High School Germany - statistics

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Where do international exchange students come from? And how long do they attend a secondary school in Germany?

GLS in Berlin is an international high school exchange organization - with nearly 40 years of experience (GLS was founded in 1983).

Every year GLS welcomes nearly 200 students from all over the world in Germany, organizing a stay at a secondary school for them. 

Where do students come from?

The graphic shows the most common countries of origin in the years 2015 - 2020.

How long do they stay in Germany?

41 % stay for a full high school year in Germany.

37 % stay for half a year.

22% opt for shorter stays of 2 - 4 months.

Questions? Just contact us, we'll be happy to hear from you!

The GLS high school team in Berlin

+49 30 780089 - 21


Skype: glsberlin